About Us


The Rebbe

“I have come to My garden…” With these words, the Rebbe changed the face, heart, and soul of the universe, laying out a plan for us to fulfill our divine purpose here on earth of transforming the wilderness into a divine garden. Born on 11 Nisan 5662 (1902), the Rebbe succeeded his father in law, the Previous Rebbe, as the seventh Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe on 10 Shevat 1950. The Rebbe empowered every human being to be an ambassador for light and truth. The Rebbe articulated in his tens of thousands of talks, discourses, conversations, audiences, and letters the deepest truths of heaven in the most relatable terms of earth. On 3 Tammuz 5754 (1994) the brilliant sun that is the Rebbe was suspended in the heavens.

The staff and volunteers of Aishel House are inspired by the leadership of the Rebbe – Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, to extend physical and spiritual help and support to any person in need, and to strengthen and achieve Jewish identity, unity, and continuity,  bringing mankind closer to a redeemed and perfect world.

For more about the Rebbe, visit www.therebbe.org.